Adirondack - "One Track Mind"
by K. Bodshaug
A new rock and roll record out of Connecticut, recorded by a
couple of guys still in High School. Imagine my surprise
when I was able to FREELY download the first record from
ADIRONDACK entitled "One Track Mind" and was kicked
square on my ass from the pure power. It has everything
I feel is missing from new bands: Buzzsaw guitar tones?
Check. Dynamic Drums and Bass? Check. Good sense of
songwriting? Oh yes. This record is a bold opening statement
from a band that could've been very modest and subtle in their
production choices. Instead, they decided to go for broke and make
an alternative power-pop record that is real damn great.
The album smoothly goes from 90s throwback grinders like "Saline",
which peaks with a Blue Album-esque Weezer ending with a vocal
onslaught of "YEAH!", to the powerpop gloss of "Breathing Your Air",
which to me has the most 'aw-shucks' lyrics, but I'll be damned
if they don't work with the California-sunshine sounding mix of
heavy rhythms and shimmering guitars. Musically all of the parts
are recorded really well across the board. One of the first
things that grabbed my attention was that for this being a first release
the band is really making a PRODUCTION of this record.
Vocal effects abound and to good effect. The envelope is certainly
pushed guitar wise on the solo for "Your Eyes", which would make the
90s influences on Adirondack proud. Seth, the singer/guitarist, told me
he has always been in love with noise and feedback in a song and feels
it "personalizes studio recordings". This is true- it is all over the album.
The subtle noise gives each song a slight edge and unease, making
for a more visceral listening experience.
Things get real and moody with "Summer Thunder", which is a dark ballad before
the huge explosion of an ending that is "Big Nothing". There are
great performances all around on the record. Drums and Bass thunder
and dominate when needed, but also provide a launching point
for the insane levels of guitar experimentation and for the good
old fashioned guitar solo- something that needs to make
a real comeback. Clearly, Adirondack are more than happy
to carry that flag.
This one comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Get it, listen to it,
like them all over the Internet and tell your people.